Kosovo establishes the Association of the Sharri Cheese Producers

On 8 th of November, 2017, in Prizren, farmers coming from the Sharri region have established the “Association of the Sharri Cheese Producers”.

The Kosovo Institute of Intellectual Property in cooperation with the French Embassy in Prishtina organized the workshop with the Sharri Cheese producers. The main aim of the workshop was to inform Sharri Cheese Producers from the Sharri Region on the roadmap towards establishing the Association of the Sharri Cheese Producers.

The Association of the Sharri Cheese producers shall be established as a non for profit association under the law on freedom of associations in Kosovo, under the Ministry of Public Administration.

Mr. Veli Hoti, the Director of the Kosovo Institute of Intellectual Property chaired the meeting and made a presentation on the upcoming activities which shall be organized, supported by the French Embassy. Mr. Hoti and Mr. Plorat Pervizaj, the Portfolio Manager of KsIIP, informed the participants on the roadmap towards establishing the Association, as well as the legal and financial obligations of the NGO.

Farmers present welcomed the initiative and thanked the French Embassy, especially the French Ambassador, Honorable Didier Chabert, for the financial support and KsIIP for the facilitating and organizing events.

It was confirmed by all participants that a lot of issues, such as: the book of requirements, product specifications, certification of the territory, design of the logo, etc, remain for the follow up and work on the upcoming events.

Having the charter of the Association of the Sharri Cheese producers being approved, the farmers present elected the Members of the Board of Directors of the Association of the Sharri Cheese Producers.

Board members proposed are as follow:
1. Berat Muja
2. Veli Halimi
3. Faton Xhabale
4. Beqir Dauti
5. Avdi Zekaj
6. Idriz Susaj
7. Krist Bogaj

The meeting was followed up by a lunch, thus, to celebrate the establishment of the Association and the election of the Board Members.

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